4 Facts About Tile Roof Repair

The seven-month dry season in south Florida is the ideal time for tile roof repair. From November through May, Kelly Roofing is hard at work on tile roofs in and around Naples, making much-needed repairs so that Naples homeowners are braced for all that June rain. Four simple facts about tile roof repair may help you to take advantage of our dry season. 

1 – Off-Season Savings

Anytime you can schedule a tile roof repair, rather than call for emergency service due to a tile roof leak, you save money. Kelly Roofing can take the time to work on your tile roof during the dry season without worrying about rushing off to another leaking roof elsewhere. You can be assured of prompt arrival time and professional, polite service.

2 – Time Saving

When you arrange for a complete tile roof repair from November through May, the job will probably take less time than during the hot season. Kelly Roofing’s well-trained crews can work in greater comfort, around your schedule, and get the job done quickly.

While a well-maintained tile roof can outlast your home, the list of things that can go wrong with a tile roof is extensive. Our crews have the experience and training to address each issue, and by working off-season, they can tackle everything at once. This again saves time because, rather than make multiple calls for sliding tiles one month and uplifted fasteners another month, we can fix everything, from ridge to valley, in one visit.

3 – Home Saving

A quality tile roof repair does more than preserve your tile roof, though that is valuable in itself. The tile roof, after all, protects your home, so proper roof maintenance and repair preserves the value of your house. No roof leak means no mold, no water damage inside walls, no damp insulation in attics.

4 – Life Saving

Your home’s tile roof could easily outlast your Naples home, but only if it is maintained and repaired diligently. Extending the life of a tile roof means prompt roof repair, with our expert crews replacing chipped tiles, fastening flashing in valleys, and securely anchoring ridge tiles. Proper repair can add years of life to your roof.

Take a hard look at your tile roof, and contact Kelly Roofing today to arrange tile roof repair during the dry season, so rainy season brings only the pleasing sound of rain on the roof, not in your home.

Tile Roof Repair Services