New Coloring Technology For Tesla Solar Roofs

However, Tesla’s solar shingles are still not widely available. Like our customers, we are anxiously awaiting news from Tesla about their potentially industry-changing solar roofs, and are following any updates closely. Which brings us to the most recent update — Tesla has very recently filed a patent for solar shingle colored variants.

The way your roof looks is important to the curb appeal of your property. Tesla has obviously taken this into account. Conventional PV modulation coloration methods help to provide aesthetic flexibility to roof tiles. However, they also tend to reduce the amount of energy that can be captured and converted into power.

Fortunately, Tesla has figured a way around this. In their patent, they noted solar shingles are typically available in blue, dark blue, and black. These are the natural colors of the solar cells. To get around these color limitations without affecting the efficiency of their solar shingles, Tesla has implemented a glass cover with a textured surface. Along with a color filter layer, this textured surface also has a transparent material with a refractive index. This is a much cleverer solution than traditional solutions, such as the use of tinted glass, and will help retain the energy efficiency of their solar shingles.

The fact that Tesla has filed a patent for this coloring technology (it was filed towards the end of last year), means they are well on their way to perfecting their solar roof shingle technology. It brings them closer to delivering on their promise of being able to provide energy-efficient roofing with the visual appeal of traditional roofing materials.

As an environmentally responsible third generation roofing company, we at Kelly Roofing continue to be excited about the potential of Tesla’s new solar roofs and will continue to keep our customers in the loop regarding any updates. If you have any questions about our roofing services or about energy efficient roofing options in general, be sure to reach out to us at Kelly Roofing online or by phone.