Health Benefits of a Well-Lit Home

The aesthetic value of windows and light fixtures are quite noticeable in a home: they brighten colors, highlight rooms and add to the decor. Lighting is certainly a part of a beautiful home, but did you know that having a well-lit home can also benefit your health? Although most benefits of the sun require direct sunlight, there are still noticeable health benefits of natural light indoors. If you bring more of the lovely Naples sunshine into your home, the healthy benefits will be clear!
Here are some of the major health benefits of having a well lit home:

  • Improve Sleep: Light helps to regulate our circadian rhythm, so we sleep better at night. Our circadian rhythm is our internal cycle of bodily processes. When our circadian rhythm is off, our chemical processes aren’t giving the right signals when to sleep and when to be awake, causing sleepless nights and tired days. Light provides a natural cue for our body to regulate melatonin production, which lets us know when to be awake and alert and when to sleep.
  • Preserve Eyes: Lighting helps to lessen eye strain and associated headaches. Reading in dimly lit rooms causes our eyes to strain to see what we are reading, causing soreness and headaches. Having a well lit reading area aids the eyes to better see the reading material.
  • Less Likely To Fall: In a well-lit home, it is easier to see obstacles to avoid tripping over them. This is particularly a concern for homes with small children that are prone to accidents and the elderly, where a fall can be particularly dangerous to health.
  • Better Mood & Increased Energy: Natural light helps to enhance mood and energy levels through the release of endorphins and serotonin in the brain. Natural light also helps to treat Seasonal Affective Disorder, a common form of depression that occurs during the fall and winter when most people receive less sunlight.

How to Increase Light in Your Home

The best way to increase lighting in your Naples, Florida home would be to install a skylight to let natural light shine down from above. Kelly Roofing installs VELUX residential skylights, roof windows and sun tunnels. VELUX’s No Leak Skylight features three layers of water protection, advanced LoE3 glass for increased energy efficiency, pre-finished white frames and sashes and a low roof profile with a curved architectural design. The No Leak Skylight also carries a warranty of 20 years on glass, 10 years on product and labor, and 5 years on blings and controls.

If you are ready to boost your health with a well-lit home, give your favorite Naples roofing company, Kelly Roofing, a call!