The Property Manager’s Guide to Roof Repairs

Property managers responsible for maintaining communities bound by homeowners associations (HOAs) must answer not only to the daily needs of individual owners, but also to a board of directors.

Planning Your Projects

Since you are responsible for the common areas, including the roof, there are a variety of repair and maintenance projects that will be drawn from your budget. To keep everything in working condition, it is wise to work from two calendars: a yearly to-do list, and a five-year plan.

Roof Leaks?

Finding roof leaks in property controlled by a HOA may not be very difficult—owners will find you to complain that water has infiltrated their living space through the commonly owned roof.

Proactive Maintenance

You are better positioned to deal with roof leaks if you take a more active approach than waiting for the telephone to ring.

Arrange annual, biannual or semiannual roof inspections with a qualified commercial roofer. Often, our roofers can identify incipient leaks before owners notice. We can conduct unobtrusive, largely non-invasive inspections of common roofing, and perform roof repair with minimal homeowner disruption.

Signs of leaks visible within an attic to watch for:

  • Actual water dripping or ponding
  • Damp or wet insulation
  • Mold on the underside of roof sheathing

Reserve Funding

A property manager working with an HOA’s board of directors has a responsibility to ensure reserve funding for roof repair and maintenance. this may include reminding the board of the need for special assessments to pay for roof repair and eventual replacement. This is a five-year plan.

If the property you manage chooses to forego reserve accounts for capital expenditures, such as roof repair, and deferred maintenance, such as roof replacement, you are advised to make clear to the board members the hidden costs of this decision.

Florida Statutes

Florida’s Statute, Title XL, Chapter 720, Part I, section 720.303(6), governs homeowners associations and provides the legal authority for a board to either notify homeowners of the absence of reserve accounts (triggering special assessments) or the existence of voluntary reserve accounts (that is, creating reserve accounts and requiring all homeowners to support them).

Local, Professional Support

To learn how we can support your work as an HOA property manager, contact Kelly Roofing today.

Contact Kelly Roofing